Good Morning! Well … here it is, the first of August. Man, is time flying by this year. It won’t be long and the trees will be turning colour. I am not looking forward to the cold weather, even if Mother Nature is giving us a taste of what’s to come at the moment, as the temperature has dropped substantially the past two days. This morning getting out of bed it was sitting at 13.8 C | 56.84 F. It will warm up somewhat as the day moves forward, and if lucky we could see some sunshine. Tomorrow will be a beautiful day with sunshine and warmer temperatures entering back into the picture. I am looking forward to it. There are still a lot of tourists coming into our area, and I suspect they will continue to do so for the rest of this month. I also see the numbers increasing here in Ontario and across Canada with this virus that is among us. The reason for that is that the virus is slowly getting to the unvaccinated. I feel for them, but … it’s their decision. The trouble is that even if they get the virus and make it through it, the repercussion’s after could last a lifetime, as this virus affects the brain too which can cause all kinds of problems down the road a way. I think, that our powers that be should be showing what is happening and can happen if they don’t get vaccinated, more than they are doing. At any rate, not much else we can do other than take extra precautions when around them. As if we aren’t wearing a mask, we could possibly pass it on to someone that isn’t vaccinated. So … the bottom line is, even if we are vaccinated, we have to keep up with what we have been doing until things get worked out. But enough of that. Yesterday I manged to dig a trench across my driveway and laid down some plastic conduit in it. I then fed the new CAT6 Outdoor Extension Cable for the high speed internet through it and into the cottage from the house. So now I just have to pick up a few things from my son Karl and the cottage will have high speed Internet for our family, friends and guests. Which will make things nice. Especially with a lot of folks that are working from home these days. Today I am going to finish putting up a nice old barn rope we have had for over fifty years, a hay rope, actually. They used it for pulling the hay fork loaded with hay up into the top of the barns years ago. My wife thought it would make for a real nice railing of sort, that wraps around our deck. Hard to explain, I will take a picture when all said and done. LOL Anyway, I am off for some French Toast this morning for a change that my lovely wife is making. Then I will get to work, that is if the rain holds off. Take care and stay safe. GW