Morning Chat, Sept. 6/2021

Good Morning. It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. The sun was shinning for a wee bit till some clouds rolled in. We should see a wee bit of sunshine off and on for most of the day. It kind of looks like we will have a mixed bag of weather for the next week before things straighten out. All caused by the hurricanes that are moving up from the south. But in saying that, the temperatures will be pretty nice. Getting out of bed, it was sitting at12.4 C | 54.32 F, not too hot … not too cold. Highway 522 was very busy yesterday. Folks in all kinds of vehicles heading back to the big cities or ? Yesterday I worked in our vegetable gardens, cleaning out some weeds and plants that aren’t producing anything anymore. I might put in a row of lettuce, so we can have some fresh salads for the remainder of the year. It only takes a couple of weeks to get up to size for eating. But we will see, as my old back started acting up yesterday morning. I thought the gardening might fix it, but it didn’t. It helped, but it bothered me a lot through the night. I chalk it up to all the work my lovely wife and I have done over the summer. Not much you can do other than take things easy for a few days, and let things heal. It amazes me how us humans abuse our bodies day in and day out, not realizing what we are doing. Especially when you get older. You would think we would know better!! On another note, it won’t be long before my wife and I have to bring in our firewood for winter. That is a job too. We don’t bring in as much as we used to, as this new NewMac Wood Furnace burns a lot more efficient. It cut our wood burning down to less than half of what we were using. Can’t beat that. It is work bringing in the wood, but when them cold days of winter arrive, it sure feels nice when we light it up. With that, I am off for my morning bowl of cereal and will then see what the day has in store, other than what I have planned. Take care and stay safe. This virus is rising in numbers more every day. Mostly through the unvaccinated and young. GW

Fishing Times: Today my old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there with your line in the water will be from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM and then again from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM. It should be a great day for catching a few. I give it a 5-star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good luck!

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