Morning Chat Sep 30/2021

Good Morning! Well, it’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. It isn’t as cold this morning as it has been for the past two days, with the temperature getting out of bed sitting at 9.4 C | 48.92 F. We didn’t have any frost overnight. Which is fine with me, as we do have a wee bit of lettuce still growing that we are using. Highway 522 is really quiet these days, with only a few campers moving in for different things. Yesterday I worked indoors on some projects in our basement and then wrote up a story or two. I also put together another podcast which will be aired on Friday morning. It might be of interest to some people as it is all about Comfrey a plant that grows here in Ontario, that helps with joint pain and other things. Actually, I will be doing a few of them in the next month or so regarding different plants and things. Something different. You can listen to them as you would all my other Podcasts right here on my Blog or on Google Play Music, TuneIn, Sticher, Radio Public, Pocket Casts, Castbox, The Walters Post and Google Home.

Just say, Hey Google … Play Just One More Story by George Walters.

With that, I am off for an English muffin this morning for a change with my lovely wife, and after that we will do some mowing around our place. It’s a good day for cutting grass, as we didn’t have a heavy dew last night. Makes things much nicer. Take care and stay safe. GW

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