Morning Chat SEP. 29/2021

Good Morning. It’s a cool morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 4.7 C | 40.46 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward. We are also having some sunshine this morning, which is nice for a change. And it should remain with us for most of the day, with a few clouds thrown in for good measure. Highway 522 is quiet these days. The frost they said we would be having now, for the past two nights, hasn’t amounted to much. However, I did cover the plants that I have left in my vegetable gardens, just to be sure. Better to be safe than sorry. I also managed to clean out the weeds from my garden and dig my potatoes. We did pretty good this year. I would say we got around 30 Pounds or so. They sure are tasty, let me tell you. We had a few of the smaller ones for supper last night. With the little ones, we leave the skins on as they are nice and tender. Just boil them up and smother them in good butter with a touch of garlic. Pretty tasty. I also picked my cabbage. We don’t grow that many, around 4 or 5. My wife makes up a bunch of cabbage rolls for winter out of them, and puts them in the freezer. You know, I found that they taste even better after sitting in the freezer for a few weeks. Today I am going to write up a few more stories for the newspapers I write for, and kind of take it easy. Now that we have all our work caught up for the year, it feels good to sit back and enjoy the quiet time. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will then see what the day has in store, other … than what I have planned. You never know. Take care and stay safe. We are doing a lot better these days now that a lot of folks have been vaccinated. GW

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