Morning Chat, Oct. 2/2021

Good morning! It’s a rainy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The rain will continue off and on for most of the day, and it could continue on for most of the weekend. In saying that, the trees, plants and things do need it storing up for winter. It seems Nature looks after itself, in spite of us humans. Yesterday I brought our boat and trailer home as Kerry, my friend who owns Booth Service centre here in town, was installing new wheel bearings in the old girl. I pumped out the water as it was sitting outside for a week and with all that rain we did have a few days ago there was a lot of it. But it is cleaned up once again and put where it will dry, out of the weather. Once a nice day comes along, my lovely wife and I will cover it and put it away for winter. It’s getting about time. The good news is that we have most of all our things done up and ready for winter. I do still have to till up my vegetable garden, which I will do as soon as it dries up a touch. Highway 522 has slowed down a lot and things are starting to become quiet around town. Which is nice. My wife and I enjoy the quietness, along with taking in what Nature has to offer. Today, since it’s rainy, I will work on another podcast and do up a story for my columns in the newspapers and magazines I write for. I do have some lumber that I bought that I need to cut to size and store away for my woodworking projects I have lined up for winter. Again, I will get at it when the rain is over. Always something to do, but I enjoy doing these things, and I can do it when I want to do it. No one pushing me. With that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal and will then get to work. Take care and stay safe. GW

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