Morning Chat, Oct. 10/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy, wet morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. It’s wet, but the temperature is still pretty nice, sitting at 16.2 C | 61.16 F. I see a mostly cool weather in the west compared to mild weather in the East pretty well right through till a week before Halloween. Which is okay with my wife and I, as we still have some outside work that needs to be done. Like closing up our cottage and putting our boat to bed for the winter. I am thinking I will put the boat away tomorrow as we are supposed to have some sunshine. Just in time for Thanksgiving. Oh! Happy Thanksgiving. Highway 522 is a wee bit busy as with the nice weather people are taking advantage of it. Which is as it should be. Yesterday I moved some wood out of our bush by the house here to where it can dry throughout the winter. Most is pine I have piled up there, but I did have some White Birch from a tree I had to take down earlier in the year. It is nice burning and has a really nice scent. We like it a lot. So now it will be where it is dry, and we will have it for next year. The pine I don’t really care about, but I do burn it in my woodworking shop stove. The stove we have in there burns anything and everything, LOL. Today, my wife and I are going to be taking it a bit easy. We have had our son and his fiancé come for a visit, and they now have left. We had a real nice time, and it was sure nice to see them after not seeing them for two years or more because of this virus. Being that all of us are vaccinated with both doses, we decided to take a chance. Just in time for Thanksgiving. With that I am off for some blueberry pancakes my lovely wife is making me and will then see what the day has in store, other than what we have planned. A person can plan their day, but they can’t plan the results. Take care and stay safe. GW.

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