What’s Happening Oct. 14/2021

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. It isn’t that cold though, with the temperature getting out of bed sitting at 15.4 C | 59.72 F. And it will warm up some as the day progresses. But with that warm weather comes some rain. If we are lucky we might see some sunshine tomorrow. Highway 522 has slowed down a lot these days. With folks going back to work and cottages closing, another summer has come to an end. My wife and I can’t complain, though, as we did get a lot of things done around our home here. Our small store has now been closed for two years because of this virus. We aren’t exactly sure if we are going to open it next year, neither. It all depends on the price of lumber, as we would like to build another store here on our property. So we will have to see how things work out next spring. But in saying that, I will be making a bunch of things for the store just in case in my old woodworking shop this winter. In doing so it gets me out of the house, moving around. Yesterday I worked in my shop for most of the day getting things ready for woodworking mode. LOL Today I will do the same and maybe tomorrow if the sun comes out I will get to planting our garlic for next summer. This is the time to get it in the ground, as it needs a wee bit of time before the real cold temperatures hit to get rooted. We sure enjoy fresh garlic. My very good friend Archie gave us some this year to plant, so we will see how that turns out. With that, take care and stay safe. Things are starting to look pretty good out there these days,’ virus wise. Thanks to the scientists that made these vaccines for us humans. Without them, we would have seen a lot more deaths. GW

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