What’s Happening November 29/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. We are also getting some flakes of snow. It’s nice to watch as they slowly edge their way to the ground. At least that is what my lovely wife says. Highway 522 is mostly bare and dry this morning, but there are some icy, snowy sections throughout. So care needs to be taken when out and about. On another note, I lit my old wood stove in my Woodworking shop this morning, so things get warmed up, as I am getting the urge to make some things that has been playing on my mind. This is the time of year for it. Come summer, I hate being stuck inside. I also cleaned out the ashes from my wood furnace and got it going, so it should be okay now for a week or so. I like the ashes, as I use them for the ice on my driveway, sprinkling it here in there where I drive. The thing about ashes is they have a high shine to parts of it and when the sun hits it things begin to melt even on the coldest day. A lot better than salt. The only issues are, it’s not a good idea to put it down close to the house as it tracks inside … and the women folks don’t like that. LOL, I also fed our birds, which I do every morning. Yesterday we had a bunch of Blue Jays, a few Nuthatches along with 12 Doves. I enjoy watching them as they remind me of being in Florida at our cottage, as they kept us entertained many a morning. Some would come right up to you and take feed from your hand. Kind of miss them days along with the warmth. With that, I am off for a piece of toast this morning, with some jam for a change. Take care and stay safe. GW

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]

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