Good Morning! We are finally having a sunny morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. Sure nice to see. And on top of that, it isn’t that cold, which makes it even nicer. I did however start my wood furnaces this morning to take the dampness out of the house. After that, I went out and fed my wood stove in my woodworking shop a few sticks; as I like to keep things warm in there, just in case the urge to make things hits me. I have to admit, it is nice having a warm place to work throughout these cold days of winter. So far though, we haven’t had much of a winter. But that will change in a week or so with things getting back to normal. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, but there are a few icy sections here and there. So care should be taken if out and about. On another note, we sure had some strong winds yesterday. Some gusts got up to 85 Kilometres an hour. We didn’t have any damage though other than the tarp moving around on my boat that I covered earlier. But I managed to get it back in place, loosing my hat in the process. I will have to go and see if I can find it in a bit. Not sure where it went as I can’t see it. Maybe it blew around behind my shop. I like that old hat too. LOL. Moving along … I noticed this morning once again that our turkey visitors are back at our bird feeder. Actually, they have been coming to visit us now for over a week. There is one though that has a bad leg, an old girl. I felt sorry for her and gave them a little extra bird seed. It seems to appreciate it as she looks at me with them big eyes of hers. So with that I am off for a bowl of oatmeal and will then get to writing up a story or two for my columns. Take care and stay safe.
You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]