What’s happening? Dec. 29/2021

Good Morning! Starting things off, it is a cool morning here in Port Loring, with the temperature getting out of bed sitting at -7.7 C | 18.14 F. It will warm up a bit as the day moves forward. We didn’t have any snow overnight, but we are having some sunshine at the moment, which makes it nice. We could however see a bit of snow late in the day and into tonight. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling good for those that are in need of a few groceries and things. I think my lovely wife and I are okay for a couple more weeks. We might however go for a drive one day, just to get out of the house. A person can get cabin fever sitting inside for too long. Myself, I like to breathe some different air and see different things now and then. On another note, my bird feeder has been seeing a few new attendants these days. Mostly Grosbeaks, Chickadees and Nut Hatches. Of course, the Blue Jays are there too, stealing all the food they can find. We did have a few Morning Doves visit us every day, but for some reason they haven’t been around lately. Maybe they moved down to where it is warmer for a spell. Hard to figure what Nature has in mind. Yesterday, my son and I worked on some computer things. He did a lot of work around the house, hooking up some electronics and things that I have wanted to be done for the past two years. There isn’t much he doesn’t know when it comes to these high-tech things. Today we will work on a few more things, enjoying each other’s company, as with this virus now spreading fast we aren’t sure when the next time we will be able to get together. So best we make the best of it while we can. With that, I am off for a bagel and a boiled egg, along with a cup of fresh perked coffee. Take care and stay safe. GW

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]

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