What’s happening? January 11/2022

Good Morning from a cold Port Loring. And it sure is a cold one this morning. Climbing out of bed, the temperature was sitting at -33.8 C | -28.84 F. That’s cold by any standard. The wind is coming in from the East, North East. Highway 522 is partly snow covered, along with a few icy sections. So care should be taken if out and about. If asked, I would recommend everyone staying inside this morning till things warm up a bit. Or at the very least dress extra warm if you have to go out. The good part is almost everyone wears a mask these days, which will help breathing in the cold air. LOL. I did walk over to my woodworking shop to feed my stove a bit ago. I was glad to get back in where it was warm. I wouldn’t want to have to work outside today. On another note, I didn’t do much yesterday, kind of a lazy day. Today being so cold, I will work away on another story or two, and maybe start a new Podcast. I will have to see how I feel. Some days I feel like writing, some days I don’t. The good part is that these days, I can do what I want, no pressure. Occasionally, that isn’t a good thing. LOL, With that I am off to feed my wood furnace here in the house. It has been running steadily all night. I did have to get up three times through the night, as it got hungry. Which didn’t bother me any, as being the age I am, I usually get up anyway. It’s nice and toasty in here. Nothing like wood heat, especially in this kind of weather. Just to let you know, as some have asked. It only took six pieces of hardwood to heat the whole house and basement overnight. Can’t beat that. Now I am off for some waffles that my lovely wife is making me. She sure makes them tasty. Take care and stay safe. GW

You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]

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