Good Morning! It’s a down right cold morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at -30.2 C | -22.36 F. It will warm up a bit as the day progresses, but not that much. We didn’t have any more snow overnight. Highway 522 is partially snow covered, with some icy sections throughout. So once again, care should be taken if out and about. In saying that, when we went to town the other day we found that even though we were going the speed limit, almost everyone was passing us. I guess they can’t wait to get to Tim Hortons. There are a lot of people ice fishing these days, as I see a lot of ice shacks out on the lakes. I am not into ice fishing anymore, as the real cold seems to bother me these days. Sign of the time, I suppose. On another note, I noticed we had a few deer overnight checking out our bird feeder. They clean up all the excess seed that the birds knock off the bird feeder throughout the day. One thing about living in the country, nothing much goes to waste. Yesterday being so cold, I stayed inside where it was warm. Today I will do the same. With that, I am off to put some more wood in our furnace and will then see what the day has in store. I haven’t made up my mind yet on what I want to do. Actually, it’s nice being able to do that. In closing,
I would also like to take a sec and thank all those that have taken the time to say hello, here on the BLog and through E-Mails, letting me know they are enjoying the Blog and my Podcasts. Makes it all worthwhile. Take care and stay safe.
You can reach George Walters at; [email protected]