What’s Happening On January 22/2022

Good Morning! First off I want to say Thank You!!

For reading my Blog … For Listening to My Podcasts … For taking the time to look around and reading more than just one post …. but most importantly, for making an effort to say hello. It means a lot.

Moving along … Highway 522 is snow covered this morning, with lots of icy sections throughout, so care will be needed if out and about. We didn’t have any snow overnight, but we are starting to get it now. I suspect we will get another 4 inches or so, maybe a touch more. Depends on whether, the storm front stays on the course it is now, coming in from the South West. So … we will have to see how that goes. It has also warmed up some, with the temperature getting out of bed sitting at -12.1 C | 10.22 F. But don’t think it will remain that way, as things are going to start getting colder once again in a couple of days or so.

On another note, I started my stove in the old woodworking shop this morning once again. I like to do so, especially if I feel there is a storm heading our way, as in doing so my generator, and snow blower will be ready to go if needed. And with the winds we have been having, and living in the country that we do, you need to be prepared for what could happen.

Yesterday I worked away finishing up a story or two I had on the go. Today I will start on another few that I have in mind. Once I get on a roll, I like to keep it up. Ha ha. So with that I am off for some bacon and eggs this morning, and I might have a cup of tea for a change to wash things down. Not that I am a tea lover mind ya, but every so often the urge for something different hits.

Take care and stay safe. I see we had another 70 here in Ontario that died from this virus yesterday. Saddens me. GW

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