Good morning! It’s a cold morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. The temperature climbing out of bed was sitting at -23.2 C | -9.76 F. It will become a bit warmer as the day progresses. We could also see another 4 inches of snow tonight and into tomorrow. Yesterday we had around 6 inches or so along with some pretty high drifts, caused by the winds that accompanied the snow. At the moment here it is sunny, but very cold. Highway 522 is snow covered with icy sections throughout.
On another note, yesterday I worked away here in my computer getting familiar with some technical stuff. Lots to learn in that department if you want to. The neat part about it, is you don’t have to go to school anymore to learn these things, as everything is right there in front of you. Makes it nice. I would suspect the day is coming that schools as we see them now will be obsolete. Can you imagine the money we would save? The problem there is. What would our powers, that be, do with it. Right now I don’t feel they are doing the right thing, sending money to this country and that country. I did notice that now they have a new way of doing things. Saying the money is on loan. Ha Ha. In my eyes, that is the last we will ever see of it. But hey I could be wrong…..
So with that I am off for some waffles that my lovely wife is making me, and once it warms up a touch, we will get to cleaning out our driveway and decks. That will keep us busy for the morning along with giving us some exercise. Take care and stay warm. GW
You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]