Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. We didn’t have any more snow overnight. Which is fine with me. Also, the cold that we were having has left us, and I suspect it will remain that way now for the remainder of the winter. Oh, we will get a cold night from time to time, but the real cold I think is behind us. But hey, you never know what Mother Nature has in store. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at -17.6 C | 0.32 F. It will warm up as the day progresses, and we could see a wee bit of snow throughout the day.
On another note, I noticed the snowmobiles are out and about with the trails being open. Nice to see folks out enjoying life for a change. Yesterday, my lovely wife and I went to town to pick up our groceries that we ordered online. With so many being sick these days, we figured it’s best to stay out of all the stores we can. Least for now.
We did notice that there wasn’t as many people going into the stores while we were there, but there were a lot of cars in the parking lots. While there, we visited our son in the parking lot at his apartment, chatted a bit and dropped off a few things his Mother made for him. After that, we found a nice spot where we could watch what the other half is doing and ate our lunch. After that, we headed on home, enjoying a coffee along with the scenery. There is always lots to see along the way, and we enjoy it a lot. We also enjoy getting out of the house from time to time so that we can breathe some different air.
With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then settle in working on a story or two I have in mind.
Oh, and we had 15 Doves at our bird feeder having breakfast this morning. They are our favourite birds along with the crows. Fun to watch them. Take care and stay safe.