What’s Happening On March 13/2022

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So how you all doing on this fine Sunday Morning? Good I hope. However, in saying that it is cold outside, and we are having a wee bit of snow. Nothing to speak of as yet. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling pretty good if you’re in need of some things in the big cities. We are doing okay as my lovely wife and I went to town yesterday and picked up a few things which should hold us over for a couple of weeks or more.

It is nice to get away, but it is also nice to get back home. While there we said hello to our son for a minute as we are still taking precautions, had lunch in our car and headed on home. All in all, it was a great day, other than the cost of things. Seems, just two bags of groceries these days can run a feller around a $100.00 or more. And the price of gas sitting at $1.96 a Litter is sure eye-opening. Where it was costing us around $30.00 to go to North Bay and back home is now costing us around $50.00. Makes me shake my head on the way we are heading here in Canada these days.

Other than that, not much else happening in and around our community. Stay safe. GW

You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]

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