It’s a sunny morning here in Northern Ontario. However, it is still a touch cool with the temperature sitting at -8.9 C | 15.98 F. It will warm up a bit as the day moves forward, and even warmer for tomorrow. And on Wednesday, what can I say, other than we will be well above the freezing mark. No need to go to Florida for March break with those temperatures. Ha Ha. Truth be told, I can’t see why anyone would want to travel yet anyway, with all that is going on in the world today. But hey! Who am I to judge. Highway 522 is mostly bare, but there are some snowy, icy sections throughout.
Yesterday we had another3-4 inches of new snow, but it won’t last long with the temperature on the upswing.
On another note, I didn’t do much yesterday, didn’t feel all that well. I have something going on with my one eye being red and damn sore, not sure what that is all about. Seems a wee bit better today. I told it if it doesn’t get better, I will have to give my doctor friend a call. That usually helps. Ha Ha. Always something these days. With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal this morning that my lovely wife is making me, and will then see if I can write up a story or two. Depends on how this old eye is doing. Have a great day. GW’
You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]