What’s Happening March 20/2022

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Starting things off, it is a cloudy morning once again here in Northern Ontario. It is a touch cool with the temperature sitting at 1.3 C | 34.34 F. It will warm up a lot as the day moves forward. Which will get rid of a lot more snow. We have lost over half of what we had. In the bush around the trees, we are now seeing green once again. Which is a sign that the trees are starting to move their sap up through their branches. Won’t be long, and we will start to see buds. Can’t wait. Highway 522 is bare and wet with all the rain we had yesterday. But travelling will be good for those wanting to go anywhere.

On another note, I worked away writing up a story yesterday, along with helping my wife a bit. Things are coming along with getting our small gift shop in order. Won’t be long, and we will give it a fresh coat of paint. Then after that the little woman will be busy decorating it. Which she is good at, as she has been designing stores and homes for years. Woman of many talents.

So with that I am off for a bowl of cereal, and will then see what the day has in store. Not sure what I will be up to today. Have a great day. It won’t be long before the warm weather is upon us.

You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]

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