What’s Happening On March 27/2022

It’s a cloudy, cold morning here in Northern Ontario, Canada. The temperature climbing out of bed was sitting at -13.4 C | 7.88 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is now. We also had a dusting of snow, which has covered what green we did have. Highway 522 is partially snow and ice covered. Knowing that care will have to be taken if out and about.

On another note, this cold weather shouldn’t stay with us for too long. I am thinking the middle of next week we should start to see a warming trend once again. Being so cold, I lit our wood furnace this morning, which is starting to make the house feel nice and toasty. It should also be noted that it is windy out there this morning, which will make it feel much colder than it really is. We have lost a lot of our snow though over the past few days and the ice is melting fast on the lakes and streams. About half gone.

With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal this morning that my lovely wife is making for me, and after that will do some more work here in our small gift shop. It’s coming along. Have a great day and stay safe, this virus is starting to find people now, with everyone going back to what once was. And no one is telling us any more of what is really happening. They don’t want us to know. It’s called mind manipulation. And they are good at it. GW

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