What’s Happening On March 30/2022

Good Morning. It’s another cool, cloudy morning here in Northern Ontario, Canada. Highway at the moment is bare and dry. In saying that we some not so good weather will be moving into our area later on today. Along with the not so good weather, we will be seeing some strong winds.

So knowing all that, I am thinking I will bring in a few wheel barrels of wood for our wood furnace as I am almost out. With the ice they are calling for and the high winds, we could have some power outages. That’s the nice thing about wood heat, we are always warm. No matter what weather Mother Nature throws at us.

On another note, my wife and I had a very busy day moving things around in our home here getting things ready for our new store. I am not sure about you, but we sure have a lot of stuffffff. We are thinking we might have a garage sale early this spring and see if we can unload a bit. Couple pack rats we are. Sheesh. It took us all day yesterday, and we still have more to do today to finish it up. Well it will never be finished, but at least we will know what we have and where things are. LOL.

With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then get to work. I’m ready, but not sure about some parts of my body. Have a great day. GW

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