What’s Happening On April 14/2022

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It’s a wild, crazy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada, weather wise. At the moment we are having some heavy rain along with some very high winds. It blew my hat off walking to my woodworking shop this morning. I would have lost it if it didn’t get hooked up in a bush behind my house. The temperature though isn’t all that bad, sitting at 13.3 C | 55.94 F. And it will warm up a wee bit more as the day moves forward. Highway 522 is bare and wet and care will have to be taken if out and about with this wind we are having.

The snow is completely gone now, and the ice is melting fast on the lakes. But in saying that, there is still a ways to go before anyone could put their boat in the water.

Yesterday my wife was busy getting things together for our son and his fiancé who are coming up for the Easter Weekend. Will be nice to see them, but we will have to be careful as with this virus you never know who might be carrying it. We have our cottage that they can stay in, which will make things a lot nicer and safer. We are just hoping the weather cooperates and warms up some. We do have a small electric heater in the cottage as it is insulated good with good windows, which I am thinking should keep them warm if need be. We will see how that goes. I have been entertaining on buying a propane wall heater, but not sure how they are for keeping things warm, or if they are any more cost-efficient, than electric heat. Always something to play on a fellers mind.

With that, I am off for a boiled egg and a piece of toast that my lovely wife is preparing for me, and will then see about doing a few things around the house here. Take care and stay safe.

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