Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperatures have cooled down some from Sunday, but it’s still not so bad. Getting out of bed, it was sitting at 4 C | 39.2 F. It will warm up as the day progresses. And by the looks of things, we should be in for a nice weekend. Time will tell. This time of year, you can expect almost anything. The black flies haven’t entered into the picture yet, which is okay with me. They usually start around Mother’s Day and last until around Father’s Day. We are also having some light showers this morning. Highway 522 is bare and wet, which will make travelling nice. Other than the gas prices. The ice on the lakes is pretty well all gone now. We have some friends on Caribou Lake, and they are visiting the cottage by boat this weekend to do a few things.
On another note, my wife and I have been really busy getting things ready to open our small gift shop at the end of next month. I have been busy making a few new items along with my lovely wife painting up a storm. Amazes me how she can whip things up. But then again, she has been painting for over fifty years. She is a great artist, that’s for sure. Her paintings have been purchased by folks from all over the world. Along with a lot from folks right here at home.
Today I will continue on working on a few projects I have on the go. Last Sunday I rolled our lawn which makes it really nice to walk on, along with helping out the grass, as with the soil heaving over the winter, so does the roots on things; Rolling puts things back to where they should be. It’s a job that no one sees. But it sure helps out nature. LOL
With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal and a piece of toast that my wife is preparing for me. Take care and stay safe. There are still a lot of people getting sick out there because of this virus. GW