It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. But we should see some sunshine as the day moves forward. However, tomorrow things temperature wise cools down a lot, with some rain thrown in for good measure. But in saying that we do need rain as everything is really dry. We did have a wee bit last night, but nothing that did any real good. Highway 522 is quiet this morning, but that is because it is Sunday. Day of rest. At least for some. For me, it is like any other day. I get that from being a farmer, as on a farm there is always something that needs to be done. Not that I don’t enjoy our front porch off and on.
Yesterday I worked away sanding and painting one of our decks by the house. Today I will work away on a mower I have. I got fed up with it and bought a new carb for it. If that don’t work, I am going to throw it in the dump. I bought it brand new, and it has been nothing but problems, let me tell you. First it wouldn’t run, then the wheels wore out, in one year, then the axle and bearings that hold the wheels are now almost shot. I make-shift fixed things as they happened, but that’s it now. Ha Ha. They sure don’t make things like they used to, as most things are made in China or ? There they use the cheapest material they can to make things.
So with that I am off for a boiled egg and a piece of toast that my lovely wife is making for me, and will then see what the day has in store, other than what I want to do. You never know. Take care and stay safe as there are still a lot of people getting sick from this virus. GW