What’s Happening On May 17/2022

It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. The temperature outside has also dropped a lot, with it sitting at 9.3 C | 48.74 F getting out of the sack. It will warm up a bit more than it is now, but it will still be a cool day, reason being the wind is coming in from the North West. Highway 522 has slowed down a wee bit, but it is early in the week. As we near the weekend, things will pick up once again.

On another note, I did manage to get our vegetable garden rototilled. Took a bit of doing using the little one I have. But digging it by hand first, then going over it five or six times did the trick. Once I have the new parts that are on order, I will try and fix my big one. Which now I won’t really need till Fall. LOL, I only need them for a half a day in the spring and a half a day in the Fall. Ha ha. The grass is also growing leaps and bounds, so tomorrow if the sun shines we will get that out of the way. I like to do it on Thursdays but … we are in for some more showers Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We also have to get our tomato plants and things planted, but it’s still early, so we will have to see how that goes. Lots to do in the spring, that’s for sure.

On another note, my lovely wife and I went to town yesterday to pick up some clothes and things. It usually takes the whole day. Being Monday, the stores weren’t all that busy, which made it nice to look around. Wearing our mask, of course. A lot more now have stopped wearing them in stores, but seeing that … there are a lot more people getting sick too. They say. Oh! It’s no worse than a cold. LOL Well truth be told, my wife and I don’t want to catch a cold neither. Or the flue or what ever. The masks reduce the chance of catching them, too.

Anyway, to each their own. With that, I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then finish up making my new pumpkin patch I started a couple of days ago. It’s nice to be able to get outside instead of being stuck in the house. Take care. GW

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