What’s Happening On June 26/2022

Good Morning!

It’s another nice looking day so far here in Port Loring, Ontario. The sun is shinning accompanied by a light breeze that is coming in from the South, South West. The temperature getting out of bed was quite nice, sitting at 21.8 C | 71.24 F. A great day for doing almost anything, if you’re up to it. My suggestion is, take advantage of the days you can do things and enjoy them to the fullest. Myself, and my wife in spite of not being in the greatest health at the moment is trying hard to make the best of things. Yesterday I didn’t do hardly anything but sit in the shade, giving this old body a rest and chatting to a few folks that dropped by our store. Actually, we had a real good day yesterday with folks dropping by. And I would like to thank all those that did. Truth be told, most of our customers for the past few days, were locals, which was sure nice to see. I suspect, though, the out-of-towners will be dropping by in July and August, which will be nice also. New faces, new ideas brings new life. Or so they say. After two years of being closed, any faces to my wife and I, is a real treat.

Highway 522 is becoming real busy these days with cars, campers moving up and down the highway. I am thinking, in spite of the gas prices, people are fed up with staying at home and are yearning for the country. And I can’t say I blame them one bit. I am hoping that I get better soon, so I can do some fishing with my old fishing buddy Barry this summer. I miss our time together. He did drop by the other day to see how I was doing, and we had a great chat. Made my day, actually.

On another note, my wife has been picking fresh vegetables from our garden for the past few days. Lettuce of all kinds, along with some real nice Kale. If there is anyone that would like some, feel free to drop by, and you can have some. We hate to see it go to waste, as we have more than we can eat. Our tomatoes I see has some small ones starting, so I am thinking in a month we should be having our first tomato sandwich. I am hoping I am able to eat them, as I sure like them. Our decade old pumpkins that my Grandfather had that my Dad gave me a long time ago, are growing leaps and bounds, so it will be interesting to see if they produce a pumpkin or two. Sometimes they only grow leaves. And these pumpkins seeds, being over a 100 years old, I don’t rightly know what to expect. Time will tell. I also found some old sunflower seeds that my Grandfather had, which I planted. They are just starting, so we will see how they make out in the coming days.

With that I am off to see if I can eat a bowl of porridge that my lovely wife is preparing for me and will then retire to the front porch.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!

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