What’s Happening In Port Loring Ontario, Canada on Sept. 6/2022

Good Morning!

It’s another sunny morning here in Port Loring. The sun is slowly coming up in the east which will take us into another nice day. It is cool though waking up, with the temperature sitting at 6.3 C | 43.34 F. It’s the first morning that we had to turn on our oil furnace, as it was a touch cool and damp in the house. It smells a bit though being the first time its been running. But it will burn off and things will get back to normal the more it heats up. Not much a person can do about that. Other than not turn it on. And I don’t care to do that. Ha ha. Highway 522 is slow this morning but I suspect it will pick up as the day moves forward. I see the kids are back in school as the school buses have been going by our home.

On another note I am thinking I might try and put my boat away for this year in a day or so. With my wife’s help. Once again we didn’t get to go fishing this year being that I am not all that well. Maybe next year. We also have to get our veggie gardens cleaned up once the tomatoes have run their course, along with digging our potatoes. We did try a few yesterday for supper. They were a good size and sure tasty. l would think we will get around 50 lbs or so once all said and done. Which should carry us through for most of the winter. My lovely wife made us some potato soup for supper last night. Tasted so good we will finish it up for lunch today.

With that … I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then see what I can do. Lately it’s been a challenge to do anything. Take care and stay safe as with the kids going back to school they will be bringing home all kind of not so good things, spreading it around. To be truthful … wearing a mask is a good thing in part, as it stops all kinds of colds and things. If you look back to when we were all wearing them, you hardly ever heard of anyone catching a cold or the flu. The pharmaceutical companies love it when the masks are removed. Ha ha. Have a great day!

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