Good Morning!
It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring. But in saying that it did warm up a lot through the night with the temperature at the moment sitting at -0.6 C | 30.92 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is now. We could however see another inch or so of snow throughout the day. Highway 522 is mostly bare at the moment. With these warm temperatures we are having, the snow is melting fast. It is also quite windy this morning. It blew my hat off going to the woodworking shop. Had to trudge through snow to retrieve the darn thing.
Yesterday it took my wife and I all morning to clean up the snow we did have. I gave my snowblower a good work out. My wife and I also got our workout for the day too. Seems the older we get, the harder things are to do. But we always seem to manage to get things looked after.
All but getting our roof shingled on our house. You know, I have been trying now for two years to find someone to do it, but they are either too busy, or their prices are too high. We don’t mind paying as long as it is reasonable. I am thinking of maybe seeing if we can make a deal by giving someone a free week staying at our cottage for the labour to install the shingles next spring. They could work one-day, fish the next and so on till it’s finished. Either that or someone that needs the work. I guess we will see how things work out.
If any of you happen to know of someone that can re-shingle a roof, let me know. I would appreciate it.
I would do it, but I am not good with heights any more.
With that I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then head on out to the old woodworking shop. Stay safe.
In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well!