Good Morning!
It’s a sunny morning waking up here in Port Loring. However, it is cold outside with the temperature sitting at -12.7 C | 9.14 F. The coldest day so far this winter. I know the first day of winter doesn’t take place till Wednesday, December 21, 2022! But it’s close enough.
One thing is for certain, we did have our share of snow yesterday. Total accumulation here in Port Loring is around 10 – 12 inches and a bit more in drifts. Especially at the end of my driveway where the plow pushes it in. In saying that, we didn’t have as much as some parts of Ontario. Which is fine with me, as it is going to be enough work cleaning up what we do have. I am happy I woke up my snowblower the other day and brought it into my woodworking shop to warm up. It’s going to get a work out later on this morning. I will wait for a bit until it warms up some.
Highway 522 is snow and ice covered. The plow has gone through a couple of times through the night, and it just went by at the time of this post. We could see some more snow tomorrow.
With that, I am off for a bowl of shredded wheat. We run out of porridge. Just my luck. I look forward to it every morning as it stays with ya and gives you a lot of energy.
In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.