Good Morning!
Our actual cold weather appears to have left us for the year.
The trees, animals, and air currents are all predicting a shift in the weather.
The evenings, however, will stay cold until the end of the month.
This morning we are having lots of sunshine shinning down upon us, and it will continue for the next week. If you can find a nice spot out of the wind, you would be wise to wake up one of your lawn chairs. I brought ours out a week ago and set them on our front porch, which is on the south side of our home. The temperature sitting out there while enjoying our afternoon tea got up to 80 F. Just as nice as if you were in Florida. Today we will do the same.
Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling good.
On another note, I am still working away on this new novel I have in the works. It’s been a long time coming. I think I started it twenty years ago. But with so much going on in my life, I set it aside. This year I decided to finish it. At any rate, that’s what I will be doing today.
With that I am off for some waffles this morning that my lovely wife is making for me and will get to work. . Stay safe. GW