What’s Happening On April 2/2023

Good Morning!

It’s a sunny morning, waking up. Which is sure nice. However, even with the sunshine, it is still quite cold outside. The temperature climbing out of bed was sitting at -10.6 C | 12.92 F. It will warm up a touch above the freezing mark as the day moves forward. Tomorrow, though, we will see the temperature rise up even further to where a person could sit outside. And the remainder of the week it will get even warmer. Which by the end of the week ahead should get rid of most of our snow. I hope so, as I am sure tired of waking up to snow and cold every morning.

Yesterday I didn’t do all that much other than chat to my wife. She has had a problem with a tooth which is hurting her and being the weekend no dentists work so….. she has had to suffer it out and will have to till tomorrow. I will then take her to North Bay and see if we can find someone to fix the problem. It is hard to get things done these days. I am hoping we can find someone that will help. We will see.

With that I am off for my breakfast and after that I will see how things are going. Have a great day. GW

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