What’s Happening In Cottage Country on June 17/2023

Good Morning!

Well, it looks as if we are in for a real nice weekend here in Cottage Country. The sun is rising in the east ever so slowly, the birds are chirping, and the trees are showing off all their leaves, along with the grass. Our property is back to looking like a park. Sure is nice to look outside taking it all in. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 9.1 C | 48.38 F. It will warm up a lot as the day moves forward. Actually, it will get a lot warmer for the next week or so, along with lots of sunshine. Which will make it nice for those that enjoy the outdoors. Like myself, as, there is nothing I hate worse than being in the house throughout the summer months. Especially after being cooped up all winter.

Highway 522 is getting busier every day. And there are still a lot of new homes being built. There isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t see loads of lumber going past our home, along with a lot of new portable homes. Some of them are pretty nice. It’s amazing what they can do these days.

Bug Report: Other than some Mosquitoes and a few Deer Flies, things are pretty good these days. There are still a few lingering Black Flies, but they are pretty well out of the picture for another year. Which is fine with me.

On another note, my wife and I decided to go to town yesterday, North Bay. We had a good day, other than what it cost for groceries and things. But all in all it wasn’t too bad. While there, we went to the Dairy Queen by Canadian Tire and I had a Chocolate Milk Shake. I don’t think there is any around that can compare to theirs. I enjoy a few throughout the summer months. The only part of them I don’t like is the whipped cream, or what ever they put on top. So lately I tell them to make it without. Tastes a lot better that way. Once we picked up our things, we had lunch in our car people watching and then headed on home. Great day and it was good to get away. And it does take a day. We leave at around 8:00 AM and no matter what we do or where we go, we never get home till late in the afternoon.

With that I am off for a bagel for breakfast, my lovely wife picked up a few at the bakery while in town yesterday, which I enjoy in the mornings occasionally. I get tired of the same old thing every day. She spoils me. But I don’t mind.

Enjoy your day! GW

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