What’s Happening In Cottage Country on July 8/2023

Good Morning!

It’s a bit cloudy this morning waking up, and we did have a few showers through the night. Which is fine with me, as now I don’t have to water our vegetable gardens. Not that I mind, mind ya. But I will say this, things are sure growing lately. My tomatoes, garlic, zucchini, onions, squash, peppers, cucumbers, corn and beans have sure grown. It won’t belong before we are enjoying more from our gardens. It will be nice not having to by from the grocery stores.

Bug Report: Everything is good these days in that department. No complaints.

The good news is the real hot weather has moved out of our area, which will make things a lot nicer for doing things outdoors, and it looks like we are in for some really nice weather now for the next couple of weeks. Yesterday was a busy day for my wife and I with a lot of new customers dropping by our gift shop. Along with that, I had some plumbing to do in the basement. It seems plumbing and me doesn’t get along, but with Steve’s help at the Home Hardware along with my wife I managed to get it looked after. I still have one thing to fix, but it can wait for now. My wife and I have had so many things going on this year so far, we now are going to take a break as I am still not back to my old self health wise. At any rate I am not complaining by no means as it sure feels good to be able to do some things. A person doesn’t really realize just how lucky we are being able to do the simplest of things like walking to the front porch or getting out of a chair.

With that I am off for some waffles my lovely wife is making for me topped off with some of Mike Clappertons Maple Syrup. And then I will see what the day has in store other than what I have planned.

Have a great day. The sun just got out of bed. I sure enjoy the mornings here in Cottage country with everything being fresh and new.

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