Good Morning!
It’s a cloudy morning here, waking up in cottage country. Which could lead us into a few showers or a thunderstorm this morning. After lunch though things will start to clear up and we should see some sunshine. Lately our rain has come when needed, which makes me happy as I don’t have to water my vegetable gardens. Not that I mind, really, as doing anything outdoors is better than sitting in the house. There is enough time to do that come winter, which is very long in this country. Unless you head on off to the sunny south. I have to say, it does look enticing, going south, that is, especially when my old body doesn’t like the cold all that much anymore. Something to ponder on. We used to go to Sarasota, Florida every winter when my Dad was alive and for years after, but things change as we did and well … we just didn’t get to going. You know, I am not exactly sure why that was, as there was no reason to stop. Funny how the mind thinks as it gets older.
Highway 522 was very quiet yesterday in our area. We did have a few people drop by our gift shop, some have been here before, and some new faces also dropped by for a visit to see what we have. It’s always nice to see old friends and new faces.
Bug Report: All is well in that department.
On another note, yesterday I worked most of the day in my woodworking shop. I started to work on rebuilding an old trailer I had lying around that I started a few days ago, but when it came time to plane down the side pieces, my planer had some issues. So … that took me most of the day to fix. I kind of thought it would be shot being so old, but … after taking it apart I manged to fix the old girl and when started back up it ran like a top. It’s nice to be able to do these things. You know, if I wasn’t able to repair equipment or fix things, my wife and I wouldn’t be where we are today. Jack of all trades is sure a true statement for us old timers. That’s why we never throw anything away, as we never know when we might need something. Some call it hoarding, I call it common sense. Nowadays, these so-called specialists come up with all kinds of things trying to put us old timers out of commission. Kind of sad in a way. To most of the young today, we old fellers and gals are a burden. Makes me shake my head as some of us have so much to offer the young if they only took the time to talk to us. At any rate, what will be, will be, and it’s their loss.
With that I am off for a couple pieces of toast with brown sugar which is strapped with molasses. It’s a good way occasionally to start your day. Gives the body the energy it needs to do things.
Have a great day. GW