What’s Happening In Cottage Country on August 16/2023

Good Morning!

It’s a bit cloudy this morning, but the sun is trying to show her self and by the looks of things it will be a really nice day. So in knowing that I will do some work in our vegetable garden a bit later.

Highway 522 is still quiet, and I suspect it will remain that way for the rest of the year, It might pick up a wee bit the first of September when the kids go back to school.

On another note, my lovely wife and I took a trip to North Bay yesterday as we had some things to do along with picking up some groceries. Other than the prices being a touch high, we had a great day while there and on the way home. They are paving the far end of Highway 522 going into Trout Creek. But it isn’t slowing the traffic down all that much, and I have to say they are doing a nice job. I also noticed that they can do quite a stretch in one day too.

With that I am off for a bite to eat that my lovely wife is preparing for me and will then see what the day has in store other than what I have planned. I never know, I start off doing one thing and end up doing something totally different.

Have a good day! GW

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