What’s Happening On Sept. 8/2023 In Cottage Country

Good Morning!

It’s a cloudy, wet morning here, waking up in cottage country. Although the rain has stopped now. Which is fine with me as I am looking forward to some sunshine and some front porch sitting. I guess my body is telling me I need a rest, as once I finished the mowing yesterday, I could hardly walk again. I guess I have been pushing myself too much. So I will have to take it easy for a spell. Other than that, I did get the mowing out of the way for another week. My lovely wife did up more preserves along with making some peach jam, which turned out great. We will sure enjoy it this winter, actually I am thinking it would go good on a toasted bagel this morning. Just because I can.

Highway 522: It is very quiet these days, hardly anyone moving around. The hot now cool wet weather didn’t/isn’t helping things any. On our trip down South of us a couple of days ago, the highways were also quite without hardly no vehicles on the highways going south or north.

On another note, today I am not going to be doing much feeling like I am, I think I will just relax in my lazy boy chair and if I am up to it maybe write a story or two for my columns in the newspapers I write for.

Have a great day and if the sun comes out, try and soak a bit of Vitamin D3 up as our bodies need to store it up for winter. GW

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