“Autumn Adventures: What’s Happening at Our Cottage Country Oasis on October 11/2023”

Good Morning!

For a change, we are seeing some sunshine breaking through the clouds this morning. Which is sure nice to see. As sunshine is what we are all in need of living in this country, or anywhere actually, as it gives us for free what is needed to stay healthy, or survive for that matter.

Highway 522: It has been a bit busier for the past few days with lots of locals moving around, going here and going there, spending their hard-earned dollars on ??? There are also a lot of hunters from other towns and cities in our area, which will be a norm for the next couple of months.

On another note, I did finish up putting away most of my herbs, plants and roots that has been drying for the past few weeks. I am happy to have them here in the house if we need them. There are still a few things that we need to buy in the grocery store, as I like to have an ample supply of certain things in the event that our world gets a bit crazier than it is now. Right now we are in the midst of some dangerous times, with the wars, and the powers that be wanting more control over the people themselves. Not a good thing, and if asked I would say to get yourself prepared, if you’re unsure about what steps to take or what to prepare, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask those who have knowledge. At any rate it’s all up to you, being reliant on the Powers That Be could/will make your life very uncomfortable in more ways than one. Now here again, what you do is your business, I am just stating what I feel is going to take place in the near future.

Today I am going to put our cottage to bed for the winter and then get busy and clean out our vegetable gardens and then rototiller it up, so it is ready for next spring. Which will make us that much more self-reliant along with being able to feed ourselves. After that, I am thinking some time sitting and chatting with my lovely wife on our swing under our Basswood tree will be in order.

Have yourselves a mighty fine day now, and don’t forget to grab hold of them essentials in life. You, and your family, will be glad you did. GW

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