Countryside Happenings on April 28/2024

Good Morning! ” It’s time to grab life by the horns and make the most of every moment, because you never know what the day’s got in store.

It’s another cloudy morning here in cottage country, and we did have a touch of rain through the night. Not as much as the specialists predicted, but enough to give the plants and things a good drink, and along with that it cleaned things up around the fishpond my wife and I made a couple of days back.

Highway 522 was a bit quieter yesterday, it seemed like everyone had taken care of their errands. I expect things to get busier again soon once it warms up. However, given the high gas prices lately, many people might think twice about traveling or spending money. Right now, the smart folks are being cautious with their finances, making sure they spend wisely. Taxing people to death as they are doing these days, only makes people start hoarding, truth told raising taxes doesn’t work, never has, never will.

On another note, yesterday I worked the day away in my woodworking shop building a new garden bench we want to put by our new fishpond. It’s coming along, but still lots to do. Today I will carry on.

I remember the lady that raised me one time saying: “I’m not one for fancy words or big speeches, but let me tell you this: there’s a peace to be found in the quiet of the countryside, a kind of stillness that soothes the soul. It’s a place where time moves slow and troubles seem to melt away like dew in the morning sun. It’s a place where you can be yourself, where you can find your roots and grow tall and strong like the oak trees that line the horizon. It’s a place called home.”

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife is making for me, reminds me of the value in taking time for the little things, even on the busiest days. After that, I will then head on out to the old woodworking shop.

You all have a great day and I will leave you this: “Living in the country isn’t always easy – the winters are long, the days are hard, and the work is never done. But there’s a beauty in the struggle, a satisfaction in the work, and a peace that comes from knowing you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.

Fishing Times For Sunday

Major Times
3:50 AM-5:50 AM
4:19 PM-6:19 PM

Minor Times
12:27 AM-1:27 AM
8:10 AM-9:10 AM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of The Day: I found that fish love a good hiding spot. Cast near fallen trees, underwater plants, or around them rocky nooks. That’s where the big ones like to hang out. GW

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