An Old Writer’s Morning in Northern Ontario on August 5/2024

We dug our garlic yesterday. Sure is tasty. I enjoy eating a raw clove or two every day with a piece of 3-year-old cheese.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good morning!

Food For Thought: The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once. Trust me!

It’s a cloudy morning here in the north, and we did have a few light showers overnight. Not enough to do any good, though, as it barely wet the ground. Taking a look at things, I kind of figure that this month in Northern Ontario looks to be shaping up in a way that old timers might recognize. The jet stream will stretch from the Pacific Northwest to Atlantic Canada, keeping the cooler air in our area. While our neighbours to the south sweat it out under intense heat, we can expect our typical mix of warm days and the occasional thunderstorm. As the month moves forward, the severe weather should stay closer to the border.

Highway 522 was very quiet over the weekend, caused by folks feeling the pinch these days. And I can’t say I blame them.

Bug Report: There have been some deer flies bothering folks these days.

On another note, with it being so warm yesterday, I decided to stay inside where it was cooler and work on another story. Always good to have a few extra stories on hand.

Early in the morning, though, my wife and I picked tomatoes to get them ready for the freezer. Had a good crop this year, full of juice and flavour, that makes your mouth water, and leaves you wanting more. We’ve been eating them daily, and freezing them will make for some tasty meals come winter. Ain’t nothing like the taste of homegrown tomatoes to brighten up a dish, or my face for that matter, when it’s cold outside.

Today, well… I’m not exactly sure what I’ll be doing. To be honest, Ruth and I have wrapped up nearly everything outside we needed to do for the year. It’s a satisfying feeling to see it all come together, especially since it’s been a long time coming. We’ve spent years working tirelessly, always with something else on our to-do list, and now it feels like we finally have a moment to breathe. At least for a couple of days.

With that I’m off for breakfast, that my lovely wife has prepared for me… a toasted sandwich featuring tomatoes fresh from our garden. Sure, the bacon’s there too, but we all know it’s not exactly the health food of the century. Still, it adds a bit of flavour, even if some health folks might raise an eyebrow. There’s nothing like a bacon and tomato sandwich to start the day right… or end it!

You all have a great day and remember: “Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams, well… they are forever.”

Fishing Times for Monday

Major Times
1:06 AM-3:06 AM
1:28 PM-3:28 PM

Minor Times
6:33 AM-7:33 AM
9:06 PM-10:06 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Fish love to hang out in the shadows created by trees or docks. Cast your line just inside the shaded areas. I’ve always said that, “Fish don’t like the sun any more than we do on them hot summer days, they’re lookin’ for shade.”

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