Mornin’, everyone! “The best part of wakin’ up in the country? The peace, the quiet, and the chance to do it all again.”
It’s a cloudy, wet morning here in Cottage country and I have to say since yesterday we’ve been getting a bit of rain here in Port Loring, and while you might think it’s from that hurricane heading up the coast, it’s not directly the cause. What’s happening is a bit more complex. The local weather systems are doing their usual thing, but with the hurricane down south stirring things up, we’re seeing some extra moisture making its way up here. So, even though we’re not in the path of the hurricane, it’s still nudging our weather a bit, giving our gardens a good soak which in truth is needed. It’s just one of those reminders that even when a storm is miles away, it can still reach out and touch us in unexpected ways. Mother Nature has a funny way of keeping us all connected.
Highway 522 has been quiet lately, and that’s just how my wife and I like it. As truth told, we enjoy the peace and quietness of country living. But even with the slow traffic, our gift shop has been quite busy with folks stopping by to see what we’ve got. They’re picking up some of the one-of-a-kind items we make right here in my old woodworking shop. You know, we don’t carry offshore items, the reason being there’s already plenty of that around, and we prefer not to be sending our hard-earned money elsewhere. We’re proud to offer unique, locally crafted pieces that truly reflect the spirit of our work.
Bug Report: All is well in that department.
On another note, with yesterday’s weather being all over the place, I spent the day indoors working on stories for my newspaper columns along with a few magazines. Actually it turned out to be a productive day, though some days flow better than others.
With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife is or has made for me and will then do some more writing. Not the greatest day for outside work.
You all have a great day, and remember: “Wisdom is like a good pair of shoes—those who need it most often seem to be walking around without it, stumbling over the same old mistakes.”
Fishing Times for Sunday
Major Times
11:29 AM-1:29 PM
Minor Times
3:54 AM-4:54 AM
7:44 PM-8:44 PM
Day Rating: Actually if it wasn’t for the rain it’s a good day for fishing. I give it a 4-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!
Advice from an Old Angler: Learn a few simple knots to keep your hooks and lures secure. The improved clinch knot is a favorite. I’ve always said, ‘A good knot is like a good handshake—firm and reliable!’