Category Archives: Gardening

Spot for you to do some reading on gardening and staying healthy. Also a great place to put your feet up and relax for a bit.

More On GMO Seeds In The News Today

Interesting article below.  Shows just what will happen if and when they keep promoting these GMO Seeds across the country.  I am telling you folks this is not a good thing.  They are trying to do to the plants now exactly what they have done to us humans.

Thanks to a recent admission by the USDA that it does not have the regulatory framework to even regulate GMOs, the world of biotech is set to unleash a tidal wave of genetically modified seed upon us. The upshot of all this is not merely the astonishing lack of regulation now being admitted by the USDA (which always sided with the biotech industry anyway, so what’s new?), but the cause-and-effect results we may soon see. We could be looking at a wave of superweeds spreading across America.

These superweeds will be the baddest, toughest and most chemically-resistant weeds our world has ever seen. They develop as mutant derivatives of the mass spraying of RoundUp chemicals across lawns. In much the same way that superbugs develop in the presence of widespread antibiotics abuse, superweeds, develop in the presence of widespread glyphosate abuse (…).

And of course once these superweeds take over America’s sidewalks, driveways and lawns, there will be cries for newer, stronger chemical products to kill those superweeds, too. And who will come to the rescue? Monsanto, of course… the very same company that produces RoundUp and thereby contributed to the problem in the first place.

Milk Weed is Out In Blossom Here In Port Loring

Milk weed has been around for years and has a wide range of uses if one chooses to go natural. For one thing the Monarch butterflies just love them and if your interested having them near or around your home this is the plant or herb some call them, to plant.  One great use is the white  milk that comes from them when broken, removes warts, moles and things like that.  Great plant for sure.  Eating them are not recommended any more, as more evidence has proved them not safe to eat.  Myself I think they taste bitter and best left alone on the eating side.  They sure do smell nice when out in bloom though,  which they are now here in Port Loring.  So make sure when you are passing by one or two, to take a second and give them a smell.  You will be glad you did. Click Picture To Enlarge

It’s Blossom Time For The Basswood Trees Here In Port Loring

Well folks it is blossom time for the Basswood trees here in our area in Port Loring Ontario.  Or some would call them Linden trees.  Our tree out back is loaded this year so will be out harvesting the blossoms and the two long straight leaves that grows around the blossoms. There is no better cold medicine in the world than these little feller’s and in my mind every one that has a tree near by should be doing as I am.  You can not miss them as you can smell them a mile away, sweet just to nice to put into words.  Thought I would let you know, this is the time to get out there before they fall to the ground. The small narrow leaves are for fever they promote sweat which gets rid of the fever. The blossoms are for the cold itself or as my wife calls the yukies.  I am not just saying this it is true, tested for years in all countries in the world. Taken at first signs of a cold or flu one will never have to deal with one.    Enjoy.

Our Bees & What Is Killing Them

This is what I believe is happening to our Bees.

When you are sick,  you can’t think quickly and clearly? If a bee gets sick and can’t think probably, it will not be able to return to its beehive. Now think on this, insecticide Bt is incorporated into many genetically modified crops and Bt does and can cause major sickness to a wide range of creatures in nature. Bees only carry enough honey with them to fly directly to the target flowers and straight back to the beehive. The trip to and from those flowers is extremely complex and so requires the bee to have a very good memory. Since learning and memory are impaired in bees that have an immune response, bees with an immune response get lost, run out of honey fuel, fall to the ground and are then are carried away by ants. Thus, if a bee gets lost, for even a few minutes, it is dead.  Even if it does not kill the bees it makes them disorientated unable to find their way back home to their hive, in turn they die or get sick, which is what is happening now around the world. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.”  One also has to remember that other things come into play also like Cell phones, electrical wires  also disorientate the bees the biggest culprit is the GM crops which eventually in my eyes and if these big corporations, and pharmaceutical companies are allowed to continue with what they are doing, that all living creatures on earth will perish.  Sounds harsh…well as I see it, if we all don’t stand up to this, and do our part in saying we don’t want GM Food and put a stop to it, we will perish.  My Opinion Only

Composting & Life?

Compost has a two functions. It improves the structure of the soil. This means the soil will be easier to work, will have good aeration and water-retention characteristics, and will be resistant to erosion. Compost also provides nutrients for plant growth, and its organic acids make nutrients in the soil more available to plants. Fewer nutrients leach out in a soil with adequate organic matter. Improved structure and nourishment produce a healthy soil. A healthy soil produces healthy plants better able to resist insect and disease attacks. Most insects look for sick plants to eat, like Cancer in humans. The best way to control insects and diseases in plants is with a living, healthy soil rather than with poisons that kill beneficial soil life.  Now in saying all this, does this maybe just a wee bit…. make you think of how the medical system is treating us as humans today.  Well if not, it should, as treating our sick with poisons is not the answer; not through my eyes and never will be, and as long as source allows me to wonder this old earth, I will keep striving to get my message across to those that are seeking another way of life, knowing the one they now have isn’t working.  Also remember this.  We cannot blame plants or animals for any of our sickness or diseases here on earth, every disease known to humans, animals and plants was brought to being by us, the superior species.   My opinion only

News From Port Loring Ontario

Well been a couple cool days here.  Yesterday was cool enough for me to wear a jacket while getting my mowing done.  Also cloudy and day before that rained most of the day.  Today though is sunny and looks nice but still cool. Winds from the old north bringing in the cool air is the culprit but by the looks of the long range into next week things change back to warmer weather.  At least into the seventies they say, so that is ok with me.  Even had to put on the old furnace for a wee bit this morning to take the dampness out of the old bones and warm up the house a touch.  Today will get at working up my veggie gardens some, so that should keep me busy. Have to say they things are growing nicely too, been eating fresh veggies regularly every day now.   Our store is also open now for the season, loaded with all kinds of new items too.  So be sure to drop by when your out this way.  Can’t miss our place now as out front we have a brand new sign that says.  George & Ruth Walters Author and Artist with a gift shop sign underneath.  Have a great day.

The e.coli outbreak in Germany

The e.coli outbreak in Germany is raising alarm worldwide as scientists are now describing this particular strain of e.coli as “extremely aggressive and toxic.” Even worse, the strain is resistant to antibiotics, making it one of the world’s first widespread superbug food infections that’s racking up a noticeable body count while sickening thousands.

Of course, virtually every report you’ll read on this in the mainstream media has the facts wrong. This isn’t about cucumbers being dangerous, because e.coli does not grow on cucumbers. E.coli is an intestinal strain of bacteria that only grows inside the guts of animals (and people). Thus, the source of all this e.coli is ANIMAL, not vegetable.

But the media won’t admit that. Because the whole agenda here is to kill your vegetables but protect the atrocious practices of the factory animal meat industries. The FDA, in particular, loves all these outbreaks because it gives them more moral authority to clamp down on gardens and farms. They’ve been trying to irradiate and fumigate fresh veggies in the USA for years. (…)

Leeks For Prostate & Colon Cancer

Leeks may taste similar to onions, they are actually related to the asparagus family. They originated in The Mediterranean and Asia but are now also grown in more temperate parts of the world. These veggies contain anti-cancer compounds called kaempferol (which is also known for promoting cardiovascular health) and quercetin (which is known to inhibit carcinogenic development in the body). These compounds are especially beneficial in fighting against prostate and colon cancers.

Hmm now I know why source got me to plant a few rows of them this spring.  Never planted them before.  Now I know why.

Sunshine Does Not Cause Cancer

For decades, irresponsible cosmetic companies and a small group of very vocal, publicity-seeking dermatologists have strongly advocated that chemical sunscreens  should be heavily applied before any exposure to sunlight, even on young children. They insisted that such sunscreen use would prevent skin cancer and protect your health. This was despite of a lack of any adequate safety testing of these chemicals. (It should be emphasized that most dermatologists are much more cautious and careful.)

On the other hand, over the past decade, many scientists studying cancer have come to virtually the opposite conclusion; that is, the use of sunscreen chemicals may be increasing the incidence of cancer and that sunlight exposure may actually decrease human cancer rates and improve your health.

It now appears that many heavily-used chemical sunscreens may actually increase cancers by virtue of their free radical generating properties. And more insidiously, many commonly used sunscreen chemicals have strong estrogenic actions that may cause serious problems and further increase cancer risks.

No Frost Here In Port Loring

Well  I covered up my plants before headin’ to bed last night.  As temperatures looked as if they might go down a bit low and some frost would set in.  At our home we had none.  Pretty wet though in the gardens let me tell ya.  Like a soup bowl in there, but once the sun comes out I know it will dry up really fast.   Sunshine is in the forecast today, some cloud tomorrow and a touch of rain on Sunday.   The long range looks good for sunshine and warmer temperatures starting after Sunday.  With the warm pushing up from the south meeting the cold pushing down from the north, nothing more can be expected than rain.  But the warm southerly breezes will prevail and summer will be upon us in no time.  So enjoy the day folks and get ready to head on outside as that body of yours is just waiting for its vitamin D kick, which it is so badly  in need of.

Hard Working Feller

Now for those that really and I mean really want to get into gardening I have come up with how one should go about it.  The main thing is one needs to work hard at it like I do.  None stop from daylight to dark.  In saying all this my wife took a picture of me just to show you how hard I do work.  Hmm….. can’t get away with nothin’ any more.  Click Picture I suppose to enlarge.

Source Talking To George

Very good article wrote many years ago, modified some to cover all walks of life.   Makes you think of what is happening here in this old world of ours.

Source: “George, you know all about gardens &  nature.  What in the world is going on down there with those humans?  What happened to the dandelions, violets, thistle and stuff I started eons ago?  I had a perfect, no-maintenance garden plan.  Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon.  The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracted butterflies, honey bees and flocks of songbirds.  I expected to see a vast garden of colors by now.   But all I see are these green rectangles.”
George: “It’s the tribe that settled there, Lord.  The Suburbanites.  They started calling your flowers ‘weeds’ and went to great extent to kill them and replace them with grass.”
Source:  “Grass?   But it’s so boring.  It’s not colorful.  It doesn’t attract butterflies, birds and bees, only grubs and sod worms.  It’s temperamental with temperatures.   Do these Suburbanites really want all that grass growing there?”
George:  “Apparently so, Lord.  They go to great pains to grow it and keep it green.  They begin each spring by fertilizing grass and poisoning any other plant that crops up in the lawn.”
Source: “The Suburbanites must be happy that the spring rains and cool weather make grass grow really fast.”
George: “Apparently not, Lord.  As soon as it grows a little, they cut it, sometimes twice a week.”
Source: “They cut it?   Do they then bail it like hay?”
George:   “Not exactly Lord.  Most of them rake it up & put it in bags.”
Source:  “They bag it?  Why?  Is it a cash crop?  Do they sell it?”
George: “No sir.  Just the opposite.  They pay to throw it away.”
Source:  “Now let me get this straight.  They fertilize grass so it will grow.  And when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away?”
George:   “Yes, sir.”
Source:  “These Suburbanites must be relieved  when we slow down the growth of plants.  That surely saves them a lot of work.”
George:   “You aren’t going to believe this Lord.  When the grass stops growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more money to water it so they can continue to mow it and pay to get rid of it.”
Source:  “What nonsense!  At least they kept the trees.  That was a sheer stroke of genius, if I do say so myself.  The trees grow leaves in the spring to provide beauty and shade in the summer.  In the autumn they fall to the ground and form a natural blanket to keep moisture in the soil and protect the trees and bushes.  It’s a natural circle of life.”
George:   “You better sit down, Lord.  The Suburbanites have drawn a new circle.   As soon as the leaves fall, they rake them into great piles and have them hauled away.”
Source: “No!   What do they do to protect the shrub and tree roots in the winter and keep the soil moist and loose?”
George: “After throwing away your leaves, they go out and buy something they call mulch.  They haul it home and spread it around in place of the leaves.”
Source: “And where do they get this mulch?”
George: “They cut down trees and grind them up.”
Source:  “Enough!   I don’t want to think about this anymore.  Earl, you’re in charge of the arts.  What movie have you scheduled for us tonight?
Earl:   “Dumb and Dumber, Lord.  It’s a real stupid movie about…”
Source: “Never mind I think I just heard the whole story.”

Dandelion Root Cancer Cure? At No Cost!

Here is fix for Cancer which I am trying as of now will let you know the outcome in the coming days.  As always do the research before trying any medicine, man made or nature made.  Good Article and worth a try as there is nothing that can hurt you in it other than making sure you know where the Dandelion is grown.

Dandelion Root
Cancer Cure? At No Cost!

George Cairns Writes…

Please save this page as it won’t be printed again by me. It may save your life or the life of a love one or a friend. Anyone may reprint this if they print it word for word.

Every week around 10,000 people die of cancer. Government figures show the death rate for cancer deaths has not changed in the last 10 years. Chemo and radiation only save around 10% of the people treated. So this shows our doctors don’t have much to work with. As this article goes on, I will explain how to prepare this plant and how much to take. There is nothing to buy. For some reason, the Lord has picked me to carry these words to you. I am only the delivery boy, and none of this is my idea. I do believe every word I write here, and I’m living proof it works. The cost of printing is my thanks to God for giving me back my life and health.

A little over three years ago I was about done in with cancer. One morning as I was waking up and hoping the end would come soon, a voice came to me and said. “You have to do something about your prostate cancer. Take the root of the dandelion. Don’t expect a miracle. It took you a long time to get in this condition.” The voice was gone. I thought the voice was kidding to use the dandelion. When this voice tells you to do something, you do it. You must do it, like writing this article. It is the last thing I ever expected to do. Then I thought he didn’t tell me how much to take or how to prepare it. As soon as you could blink an eye. I knew how much to take, how to prepare it, and it would take 4 to 6 months to cure me. I also knew I wasn’t to make a penny on it.

As soon as I got around that morning, I dug some roots and started to prepare it. About a week l! ater I started taking it. Three weeks later the pain in my back and side was gone and my bowels had improved. Five and one half months later they could find no cancer problem in me at all.

I, then wanted to find someone else to try it, and that was the biggest problem yet. Nobody seems to want to help. When I told doctors, they just smiled as if I was nuts. Finally, I was telling a friend about it and he said he had a friend that was dying of lung cancer. He had it in both lungs and was bed ridden. They were tapping his lungs. He had been given 4 to 6 weeks to live. After he had been on this powder about six weeks, he was up and around doing his chores and driving his car. He went to his doctor’s office, and the doctors could not believe it. They took him to the hospital and gave him a CAT scan. They found no cancer lesions in his lungs and said it was a miracle. I then put an ad in The Northwest Herald offering it free, and four people’s aid they would try it. Slowly one person told another and it spread. There was a fair amount of people taking it for different kinds of cancer and several for other things. For instance, a man lost the use of his immune system and was told he wouldn’t be able to work again for three years, in six months he is now working ? days and feeling better. I know this is not a cure all. It won’t help everyone or all kinds of cancer. I know it is not a cure for skin cancer and it hasn’t had luck with brain tumors.

There is a doctor in Boston, Massachusetts that has developed a vaccine that is doing great things. This has been successful with prostate, colon, breast, liver and best of all with lung cancer. Five people have taken it for lung cancer and all five have been cured once. The immune system controls the cancer cells in your body. As long as the immune system is healthy, you don’t usually have a cancer problem. When your immune system gets run down, it loses control of the cancer cells, and they start eating live cells and this is what they call cancer. This powder made from dandelion root has something in it that builds up the blood and the immune system.

When the immune system is built up so far, it gets back control of cancer cells, and they do an about face and start cleaning up the mess they’ve made. This is why you must have a fair appetite because your body must build itself up and be healthy if your immune system is going to be strong. This will not work for people that have lost their appetite or are on CHEMO. Doctors try to blast the cancer out of your body with Chemo or radiation. By doing so, it destroys your immune system and appetite. These are the most important things your body needs to beat cancer. Operations also knock the immune system haywire. This is why so many people that have operations for cancer find that a short time later it has spread somewhere else.

Many of the worst diseases that have plagued the world have been cured quite easily. When I was a boy, women dreaded the goiter more than cancer. A little iodine in the diet cured that. For hundred of years the most dreaded diseases was leprosy and lockjaw. A doctor found he could produce penicillin from moldy bread and could cure them and many more things. How long has moldy bread been around? I’m sure scientists will find many uses for the powder made from the root of the dandelions besides cancer. I have already found it builds up the blood so you heal much faster.

To make the powder from the dandelion root you must follow my directions to the letter. Any changes and it won’t work. Dig a handful of dandelion roots any time of the year, it doesn’t matter. Cut the leaves off just below the crown. DO NOT WASH. Then they must be dried around 100 degrees. I do it in an incubator with no water. You can also dry them under a heat light bulb if you raise or lower it so it’s 100 degrees. You can also use the sun or put them in the attic if it’s not too hot. It takes about 5 or 6 days in the incubator. I have not done this all the way under the heat light. When you break a root and it snaps it is ready to powder. Take an old iron frying pan and a clean hammer. Take one root at a time and place in the frying pan and start tapping. Don’t hit hard or it will fly all over the place. I put my hand around the root to keep most of it in the pan. If it sticks to the hammer and pan, and doesn’t crumble in your fingers, it isn’t dry enough. Keep it up until you have enough to start. It takes about 20 minutes to ? hour to prepare enough for a week. When you get used to it you can go much faster.

I have an old vessel that druggists used to pound pills, this goes much faster. DO NOT USE AN ELECTRIC GRINDER, it won’t work if you do. You lose too much of the good part in dust. You must do it as I have said or don’t do it at all. I’ve tried shortcuts, but it seems someone was looking over my shoulder, and I know when I made a mistake. I’m just an old farmer and not a scientist, so I wouldn’t know the correct amount to take on my own. Now take a little over one half teaspoon once a day at any time and mix it with water, orange juice, etc.. Do not use in soft drinks, liquor, or anything hot. When mixed, use it all. Don’t let it stand around. Keep the power in a dry place. After taking it three or four days, you will feel good, but nothing else. That is because your blood is building up. When you blood is happy, you’re happy. In most cases, this will build your immune system in from three days to three weeks to the point it takes back control of cancer cells and thus the cancer stops spreading. In most cases it is going to help. There is no body feeling as it works. You just feel a little better each week. After three weeks most of the pain will be gone in your back and you know it’s working if you had pain there like I did. If you have bone cancer in the spine, it will take three months to work. This is not an overnight cure. It took a while to get in this condition and it will take a while for your body to heal. The sooner you start, the quicker you will be over cancer. Young people heal faster than old people, but it will help at any age. I know because I’m 80 and have been taking it for over three years.

No cancer has come back and no side effects except when my body has had enough, it lets me know by getting heart burn. Then I back off some.

Some people get stomach aches when they need less. It also means your cancer is under control and you don’t need as much. You will also find you probably won’t catch a cold while you are taking it full strength.

The biggest enemy for this root is Chemo. The stronger the Chemo, the less chance the power has to help you as Chemo tears your immune system and appetite down, two of the most important things you need to cure cancer. There is only a ten percent chance Chemo will cure you. With no chemo, your chances are 75 to 80% but you must take it every day. Don’t let your doctor give you that old treat if you turn him down that goes, “If you want to throw your life away, I can’t stop you”. Just remember that 90% of the people that take his advice and take chemo are in the cemetery. Don’t blame the doctor, he is doing his best with what he has to work with or you could ask for a written guarantee.

I have only mentioned cancers that I know people have had and used this root. It should help pancreas cancer if taken before the appetite is gone and most body cancer. This is food, not a drug. It shouldn’t interfere with medicine your doctor may be giving you. Only two doctors have told patients to keep taking the power when they have made a miracle recovery. The rest of the doctors have run the power down and blasted the people even if the cancer has disappeared.

The medical world is not going to accept this easily.

Going back to not washing the roots and leaving a little soil on them, it is for your own good. A good bit of immunity comes from the soil, it starts as soon as you are born. Your fingers touch something, and you put them in your mouth. A little dirt at first, and more as you grow older and start crawling. Then everything you touch goes in the mouth. When children go outside to play and when they come in, they are the dirtiest around the mouth and hand. The hands go in their mouths no matter how dirty they are. Many diseases and bacteria live in the ground, but they don’t seem to cause any trouble but it does build up the immune system. Some animals can’t live if they can’t eat a certain amount of soil. If you read this article over, you will see it! all goes back to common sense. I wish all of you people with cancer and other problems the best.

George Cairns (815) 338-1526 Or send self addressed envelope to: 708 Hughes Road Woodstock, IL 80096

This ad does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Northwest Herald.

The dandelion root power you can buy at a Health Food Store is not made the same way. It is not known to help cancer.

*This is a reprint of the ad in The Northwest Herald. Printing donated by Viking Lithographic, Elkhorn, WI 53121

Port Loring Weather For The Long Weekend

7-Day Forecast

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Hi 17°C
Lo 9°C

Tuesday: Partly cloudy. High 64F. Winds ENE at 10 to 20 mph.

Tuesday night: Cloudy skies this evening. A few showers developing late. Low 49F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%.

Weather Icon
Hi 21°C
Lo 11°C

Wednesday: Cloudy with a few showers. High near 70F. Winds E at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 30%.

Wednesday night: Cloudy with a few showers. Low 53F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%.

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Hi 18°C
Lo 11°C

Thursday: Showers, maybe a rumble of thunder. Highs in the mid 60s and lows in the low 50s.

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Hi 20°C
Lo 12°C

Friday: Thundershowers. Highs in the upper 60s and lows in the mid 50s.

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Hi 24°C
Lo 12°C

Saturday: A few thunderstorms possible. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the mid 50s.

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Hi 23°C
Lo 12°C

Sunday: Times of sun and clouds. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the mid 50s.

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Hi 21°C
Lo 8°C

Monday : Scattered thunderstorms. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the upper 40s.

Beneficial Insects

Well folks with spring in the air one will soon or should be out working their gardens in abundance soon.  Below is a few of the insects that will help your garden immensely if allowed to live and not killing them with pesticides.    There is no need to put pesticides on your gardens or anything for that matter.  Nature will look after you as long as you look after it, simple as that.  Take A look and happy gardening.

Beneficial insects are insects which you can attract to your garden, or buy from catalogues, which prey on harmful insects or their larvae.

All Wasps & Bees
These small beneficial insects destroy leaf-eating caterpillars. You can attract them to your garden by planting carrots, celery, parsley, caraway.  These plants are easy to grow, and some should be left to flower. It’s the flower that attracts the insects.

These common insects consume aphids, mites, white-flies and scale. They can be attracted to your garden by planting members of the daisy family, tansy or yarrow. Ladybugs are also available from catalogues online. Or look under logs they like to hide there.

Lacewings are avid consumers of aphids, and their larva eat aphids and other varieties of other insect pests. They are attracted to “composite” flowers, such as yarrow, goldenrod, black-eyed susan’s and asters. Lacewings can also be purchased online at the sources listed below, and released directly into your garden.

Hover-flies are  consumers of aphids, and the larva of hover-flies eat aphids and other insect pests. Like the Lacewings, they are attracted to  flowers, such as yarrow, goldenrod, black-eyed susan’s and asters. Seeds for these flowers are available online, or at most garden centers.

Praying Mantis
These large insects have an appetite for most garden pests. Praying mantis eggs are set out in the garden where they hatch and quickly grow to adult size. The eggs are available through mail-order catalogues, some of which are listed below.

Effective against cutworms, a common pest which destroys sprouts before they can grow into seedlings. Nematodes are also effective against beetles and root weevil larvae.
Nematode eggs are microscopic and come in a small sponge a million at a time. These are mixed with water and applied to the soil, where they hatch and go to work. If they get on foliage, wash them off to the ground.
Nematodes are harmless to humans and pets. They are available in some garden centres and through mail-order catalogues, and at the businesses linked below.

Insect Garden Made Easy- You can also set aside a small garden plot of flowering plants designed to attract and harbor beneficial insects. These ‘good’ insects prey on many common garden insect pests, and offer the gardener a safer, natural alternative to pesticides.

The Collapse of Our Bees & Why

The silence of the bees – Colony Collapse Disorder continues to accelerate across North America. We already know it’s being caused in part by chemical pesticides (and possibly worsened by GMOs), but the chemical industry is engaged in a full-on cover-up to deny this truth while the pollinators of our world suffer a devastating population collapse. (…)

Seed Ordering Time In Port Loring

Yesterday I put in an order for some of my veggie seeds this year.  Every year I like to try something new, that they say can’t be grown here in the north.  For most parts I have had good luck in doing so too.  Thing is one might have to cover a few items at nights but if you want pesticide free veggies then these things has to be done.  Certain seeds though or should say most veggie seeds shouldn’t be planted until the weather stays above 45 at nights.  If you plant them to early they will just set there until it warms up any ways, so you won’t gain a thing. Also you could loose some of your seeds as they could rot.  So too early in some instances isn’t a good thing.  Another way is to start your seeds indoors and then ease them out to your garden when it warms up, I do that with a few items.   My seeds should be in the mail and here at our home in a week, looking forward to them coming.  Sure enjoy spring let me tell ya, nothing can be better than getting down in the soil on your knees and planting things.  Also love the smell of fresh tilled soil.  So if you want to eat healthy this summer and next winter get your old trousers on and get ready to get dirty.