Here is a picture of a couple end tables I made awhile back out of White Pine, stained an Early American with three coats of Semi Gloss Urethane.
Category Archives: The Old Craftsman’s Woodworking Shop
My Old Fish Cleaning Station
Here is a picture of my old fish cleaning station. MY lovely wife painted the signs. I made another one and will take a picture of it come summer.
Cedar Strip Boat
Here are a couple pictures of an old Cedar Strip boat I restored awhile back. It sure was a beauty. Hated to part with it.
Our Sign Out Front of Our Home
Handcrafted Flutes
Took a picture of a few of the Flutes I make. I just finished a new bunch a week ago and now starting another batch. Should have around a hundred or so for our gift shop come spring. Lot of work, but I do enjoy making them. Tedious!
Crib table and curiosity box
Here is another picture of a crib table and curiosity box I made awhile back. My lovely wife did the painting on it. The curiosity box is made out of Birds Eye Maple. It has around twenty compartments inside. Nice piece.
Rustic Log Paintings
Here are a few more paintings my lovely wife does on White Birch. Nice gift items for sure.
Ruth’s Sketched Cards
Here are just a few of my Lovely Wife’s Cards that she makes. She also has lots of coloured ones too, which comes with envelopes. We call them all Occasion Cards. Oh, and we also have a lot of Christmas cards designed and painted by Ruth.
New Gift Shop Items
I just finished these the other day and my lovely wife made them look pretty. All set for next spring when we open our Gift Shop.
We only sell our own creations made right here in Port Loring Ontario.
Last Night’s Supper
Took this picture of a new crib table I made with our New year’s supper sitting on it.
More On Shopping
Yep, us fellers have to be so careful these days. One mistake and it’s all over social media. Damn!
Shopping For Lumber
New Wood Stove For 2022
Here is a picture of a wood stove that is selling for a fair price these days. Myself, I will stick with the one I got.
Cobblers Bench
Finally finished up the Cobblers Bench I have been working on for the past week. Nice piece and I am sure who ever buys it will enjoy it for years to come.
Click on Images to Enlarge!
Modern Day Furniture
Cobblers Bench
Well, I said I would let you see the Cobblers Bench that I have been working on, when I finished it. We old Woodworker’s called items like this … Early American Country Furniture. What a lot of woodworkers don’t know is. That, Early American Country Furniture, means … A product with more than one use! Now you know.
I just finished staining it Early American a few minutes ago and tomorrow I will put on three coats of the finish
Should look real nice when all said and done!
I will take another picture when it is all finished.