Black Fly Season Is Upon Us Here In The North

Well I got to tell you, them old black flies are sure out there with a vengeance this year.   I just hill-ed up my tomatoes and moved a few things around a bit in my veggie garden and looking down at my pant legs I seen they were just covered.  They are pretty smart too, as they like to climb up under your clothes and have lunch.   The doctor told me I was looking good the other day, when I went in for a visit, saying. “You must be outside a lot George, as you have lost your winter weight.”  I said, “Yep, but I think the reason for loosing a bit of weight is that the black flies are carrying me off a little at a time.”   They don’t usually bother me to much, but they sure love my wife.  Reason being they like to get into her hair and hide.  Thing one has to remember is, not to put on any smelly soaps or perfumes.   Folks that wear them things up here in our neck of the woods are just asking for trouble, as they can smell you a mile away, and they know it’s humans they are smelling too.  But they will soon be gone as I spotted a couple dragon flies, and once they  get to eating it doesn’t take them long to clean them up.   Also the bats eat a lot of skitters, so don’t be trying to rid your back yard of them.  Also remember, if you got some Comfrey growing in your back yard, it is one of the best things you can put on your bites and things, as it will stop the itch within minutes.  Also buy up some ivory soap and wash your face and hands with it as the bugs doesn’t like the smell.  Mothers Day to Fathers Day I always say that’s when the black flies are at their worst.   So………………there you go, will talk at you all a bit later.  Thinking, nice cup of coffee now and watch my wife dust the house.  Rough life huh???

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