OK, for the past few days I have given you my outlook on a few things pertaining to life, and even got a bit into my life, how I do things, feel and see things. Remember now, that these are my views on things and mine alone. Some might not think like I do, and I suspect a lot of folks don’t, but something inside me the past few years has been pushing me to get my views on things out into the open. I like to think it is a good thing, ways of helping folks, bringing things to light on different items. Might say, a different outlook on life. Not that I am, telling, asking or trying to change your way of thinking, as I am not. So … that’s that.
On another note, one item that comes to mind that folks can get a lot of help from is the weed, or some call a herb, is Comfrey. Comfrey is one plant that I use a lot around our home here. I have used it to treat broken bones, swellings, torn ligaments, hernias, arthritis, wrinkles, blisters, stretch marks, cuts, bruises, well the list goes on and on. It is a very safe plant to use and unbelievably easy to make an ointment out of. Here is how I make my ointment. First I pick some real nice looking leaves from the plant, around fifteen so. Kind of depends on how big they are, mine is usually about medium in size. I then lay them on the grass and wash them real good with a hose. I then shake them dry and lay them all out on the picnic table to dry in the sun. One has to turn them a few times throughout two days, but after that you are in business. I then crush them up dry, and put them in a masonry jar. Fill it just about full. I then take some extra virgin olive oil and cover them totally. Using a stick I push the oil down all around the leaves, until they are all soaked real good and no bubbles left in the jar. I then take the ring and put a paper towel under it and screw it back on the jar. Acts like a lid, but still allows it to breath. Now I just sit it on the kitchen counter and in about three to six weeks, I have the greatest healing ointment you can get. After about three to six weeks I strain it through some cheese cloth and set it in the medicine cabinet. That’s it, you’re in business. So there you go, a bit of old time wisdom once again, comes to the rescue and saves a fellow or gall all kinds of grief. OK, now is saying this, one should make sure your not allergic to the plant. Easy way is to crush up a fresh leaf and rub it on your wrist. If it doesn’t turn red you’re in business. Just a small spot, about the size of a quarter will do it. Also, I only use it externally. Enjoy Summer!