On another note my son Karl that works at NORAD started installing a new weather monitoring station for Port Loring. It is being set up here at my home. This station consists of one Data Logger, http://www.valcom-guelph.com/products/VEDASII.html One Transmitter; http://www.valcom-guelph.com/products/VGOES-HDR.html One antenna; http://www.valcom-guelph.com/products/Crossed_Yagi.html One GPS unit for signal assessment, along with the new Met Station One (MSO) weather station which combines five of the most popular meteorological measurements into one simple, economical package, allowing for efficient and accurate comprehensive weather monitoring. Karl has everything set up as of now, all but the sensor which will be added once it arrives with in the next few days. It will be quite the thing for Port Loring now having a weather station of its own. With folks being able to check daily of what is happening in and around our community relating to our weather conditions. All Data relating to our weather will be uploaded to our Local Service Boards Web Site http://www.loringlsb.com/ every few minutes, along with being stored for future reference. Also we will be working on a local forecast which will be added as the station progresses. I have been collecting weather data for most my life using nature as my main reference book, along with some simple scientific devises. Just something that I have enjoyed doing. Now with this new high end station it will sure be a treat, along with being a great asset for our community. Thing is we don’t have a station that is accurate pertaining to our own conditions being so far off the beaten track. Our data comes from stations in and around North Bay & Britt Ontario. Here in Port Loring, weather can, an is most of the times quite different than what we are being told. The station that is being set up here in Port Loring will be every bit as good, if not a touch better than the government stations that are out there today. Reason being we will be monitoring it daily along with adding the most efficient sensors that are out there in todays market. Now for most, you are probably saying. OK…what is this going to cost us? Well other than a few dollars for uploading data to your web site and a few dollars more for making a program to handle the weather data on your Local Services Boards Web site; it will cost you; nothing to speak of. I myself along with my son Karl and Valcom the company that my son is employed with has absorbed every cent. It is something that my son and I have always wanted to do and have now done so. It will be our contribution to our community. There is other costs of maintaining the equipment & station how ever, along with adding new sensors as time goes by. So we will be adding a donation button on the web site. This will leave things up to you, if you like and enjoy having your own private weather station, then it will be your own decision if you want to contribute in its future, simple as that. For more information on the weather station feel free to contact me; George Walters at [email protected]