Good morning. We will see some snow this morning giving away to flurries or icy rain this afternoon. Highs today will reach up to near 32 F. Winds are from the south and calm. I would think we will be getting from 1 to 3 inches of snow. Tonight it will be partly cloudy flurries or freezing rain which should end near midnight. Temperatures will drop to a low of -10F. Winds could change to the North North East at 10 to 15 mph. The sun rose this morning behind some clouds at 8:00 AM & will set at 4:49 PM. Giving us here in Port Loring Ontario; 8 hrs. 49 mins. of daylight, gained another minute yesterday. Snowing out there this morning with Highway 522 partially covered along with some icy sections, so extra care should be taken if traveling. Data from our Weather Station Directly To You.
Current: | High: | Low: | Average: | |
Temperature: | -1.2 °C | -1.1 °C | -2.7 °C | -1.8 °C |
Dew Point: | -10.1 °C | -10.1 °C | -16.8 °C | -13.0 °C |
Humidity: | 51% | 51% | 33% | 43% |
Wind Speed: | 0.0km/h / | 4.8km/h | – | 0.4km/h |
Wind Gust: | 0.0km/h / | 12.9km/h | – | – |
Wind: | South | – | – | South |
Pressure: | 1013.8hPa | 1013.8hPa | 1013.8hPa | – |
Precipitation: | Light Snow with some icy conditions |
News For Port Loring
Well finally the new weather station for Port Loring is up and running. Took us the better part of yesterday to get the sensors situated and sending data. I will add things manually here at the Blog till Karl has the graphs and added features installed onto the Local Service’s Boards Man Page. Lot of work now for Karl to get things just right. But the cold outside work is finished and everything is working great. On another note we will see some pretty cold weather coming to us here in Port Loring with in the next 10-15 days from a Large Arctic Front that is bearing down on us. I also predict a very cold February. So winter is upon us folks, time to bundle up if going outside, along with keeping the home fires burning. Snowmobiles and ice fishing folks will be happy. Great to be alive though. Isn’t it? Also I will start adding the best times to be out there ice fishing; brought to you by our weather stick and some old ways added in; starting in a few days. Just need to get a few more things together to complete that task. Enjoy your day my friends.