Events & Happenings In & Around Port Loring Ontario

 Parent Site News:   Good morning. Well a bit cloudy out there this morning., Black flies are pretty well all gone but mosquitoes are in abundance this year. Reason being so wet.  At any rate once the sun gets to shining things will improve for sure.  For those wanting to do some fishing today the old weather stick says the best times to be out there today will be from;       11:30 AM – 1:30 PM.   I am thinking it will be  a great day for fishing giving it a 3 fish rating out of five.  Also improving with in the next three days.  For all your weather details and forecast for the day click here.

News For Port Loring & District

Lots being done this year at the Local Services Board.  I feel we at the Board have accomplished a great deal with getting our 911 system together which will be of great benefit to our community in the coming years.  For all the information click here and read the minutes of our meetings.    Last nights minutes will be out in the next few days. The Farmers Market will be moving to our Activity Center this year also another must to visit.  I will add the dates and times tomorrow morning.  Also our Library minutes are now an added feature for those that might be interested in what is happening there.  I would also like to mention my new book is finally out for sale at our store and the General Store here in Loring. Price is $19.95 no tax as there is no tax on books.  Also they are available at Gulliver’s Quality Books and Toys in North Bay. No…. it isn’t closing as of yet, there is things in the works to keep it open.  Great news huh???  They are also available at Northern Meat Packers in Trout Creek.  Great book and this time round a special bit of wisdom;  at the bottom of each story.  A must see at the very least.  Also our docks have been installed down on Wilson Lake.  This year things have been greatly improved with boat docking for overnighters.  Along with renting a spot for the season if needed.  Great for those coming in off the lakes and river system to do get gas or maybe just go for an ice cream cone and browse our gift shops here in town.  Prices will be collected by Mike Buchanan.  A sign will be added with phone number of where to get these special features, shortly.   More to come in the coming days!!!  Have a great day.