Hi Everyone,
Environment Canada has recently given AquaBounty, an American company, permission to produce genetically-modified salmon eggs on a commercial scale. Now, there is only one step left before mutant fish hits our dinner plates — approval from Health Canada to allow GMO salmon for Canadian consumption.
If Health Canada approves GMO salmon, a new breed of farmed fish will soon be at your local grocer or seafood restaurant without you even recognizing it. Let’s tell Health Canada to reject mutant fish for human consumption in our country.
You can tell Health Canada that we don’t want GMO fish in our stores and restaurants here: http://action.sumofus.org/a/gmo-salmon-health-canada-rejection-franken-fish/?sub=mtl
Between allowing GMO salmon and the licensing of Norwegian fish farms on the BC coast, our government seems to be doing everything it can to destroy one of our great resources – wild salmon.
Please sign this petition to try to prevent the sale of GMO salmon in Canada.