Good morning. Well starting off this morning things are looking nice weather wise. Temperatures were sitting at: 16.4 C | 61.52 F waking up. Really sleeping weather no one can deny that.
Forecast For Today: Stormy, much rain which will occur a bit later on in the day. So would be well looked at if some outside work was in order this would be the time to do it.
Bug Report: I did find the mosquitoes to be quite bad yesterday. And I figure with rain in the forecast they will continue to be bad today also. Not so bad that one can’t enjoy the outside though.
Fishing Times: The old weather stick today is saying that the best time to be out there catching them is from 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM. If the rain holds back you could pull a few big ones in from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Only if it doesn’t rain. I give it a 4 fish rating out of 4 for catching them today. Bait I would use would be minnows with a silver lure, small hook. Good luck.
Around Town: Things are quiet for this time of year. Few stores here in town though are doing well, which is a good thing. Great to see folks in our area supporting our very own. Gardens are taking shape more each day. I did manage to do some weeding yesterday cutting them off with a hoe and leaving them lie for mulch for my other plants. Works good and gives the veggies a needed boost this time of year. So my friends you all have a great day, soak up some sunshine while you can this morning and don’t over do it with work. Work isn’t what life is all about nor money. GW