Port Loring, Information, Weather & Fishing Times

Good morning. Well sure a nice looking day out there starting things off.  Sun is shinning and hardly a cloud to be seen.  Can’t get much better than that.  Temperatures waking up were sitting at…13.5 C | 56.3 F and will warm up considerably as the day progresses.  Great day to take in what Nature has to offer and we got it all right here in Port Loring Ontario.

Forecast For Today:    Possible showery early, improving though through out the day.

Bug Report:   Nothing much to report here relating to insects.  Mosquitoes have quieted down for most parts which is OK by me.  Few Blackflies and Horseflies irritating folks off and on but nothing to really cause any harm.

Fishing Times:   This morning the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 8:30 AM – 11:45 AM.  Then a bit later on from 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM.  I give it a 3 fish rating out of 4 for catching them.  Thinking it will be a pretty fair day all way round for putting fish on the supper table.  For fishing today I recommend a great little spoon which can be purchased for under $10.00 and would be a great asset to any tackle box.  Take a look..images  Add a small minnow, leach or small worm on the end and there should be no reason not to hook onto a nice Pickerel, Pike Or Bass.  Casting out towards the shore line bringing it in slowly, will surely entice one or two.

News Around Town:  Yesterday had a chap drop by the house here with a flyer pertaining to the Cornfest that will be taking place at the Community Centre in Arnstein Ontario on August 30/2014.  This is a great event and has been taking place here in our district for many years.  It is something all should attend to say the least.  Click Flyer to enlarge and for all the details relating to this event.  Have a great day my friends, get outside, soak up some sunshine if one follows this ritual no Flu Shots will be needed this Fall. ltss-0362 Also remember if you would like your event or happening added here on the Blog let me know and it will be done.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.
For Those That Would Like To Get In Touch With Me, You Can reach me at;
[email protected]

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