Good Morning: Well a nice day is shaping up weather wise and other hopefully. Temperatures were this morning waking up were sitting at 13.1 C | 55.58 F.
Forecast For Today: Showery early, improving.
Bug Report: Hardly a bug to speak of through the daytime hours. Few Mosquitoes which is to be expected after dusk.
Fishing Times: Today the old weather stick is saying that the best time to be out there will be from…7:00 AM – 9:00 AM. Then again a bit later from 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Around Town: Quiet these days. Kids are back in school and folks are settling down business wise, for a winter of bliss. If not it should be. In some ways winter is rest time, trees are sleeping, certain animals are hibernating. Others huddled together keeping each other warm. The cold brings folks and critters together. Could say it is a bonding of time and family. The thing today that is taking up most of ones time though is the computer. Folks sit for hours on end in front of these things not realizing that the outside world…important things, are passing them by. I heard a fellow the other day say when I asked if he had a computer. “Well I did have, but found it was a time grabber and looked at things carefully and seen so many things I was missing. So I gave it up and got rid of it. Today I am out camping on my own, taking in nature when I can, enjoying life, watching people animals in what they are doing. Seems to me that these are the important things in life, not sitting in front of a computer.” You know them were very wise words to say the least. Even myself with my newspaper columns, books and other items like the Blog here, I still try and get away from this thing called a computer. It does take a lot of ones time, and time my friends is a very,very valuable thing. Enjoy your day my friends. Some nice weather heading our way, so good time to soak up some of that sunshine.